These photos are from Black and WTF ( a great blog of strange and sometimes creepy old black and white images. Take a look at a few featured on BuzzFeed and check out the links below to see more. I really enjoy this blog- its interesting to see photos then vs now. I've seen some weird photos on Facebook, but never anything like this. Enjoy!
Via BuzzFeed
Cats are concerned about their appearance.
Cats don't take up very much space.
Cats are innovative and agile.
All I want for Christmas is....
Reminds me of Pirates! Buy one today LOL
Hi guys, I hope you enjoy my blog. I enjoy finding interesting things and I hope you do too. Check out my twitter @Gonzothefacey for more time passing gibberish!
Much Love! Thanks!
Much Love! Thanks!
Most people know chef and restaurateur Graham Elliot as a witty judge on the hit TV show MasterChef. But what some of you may not know is that he is opening a stylish new restaurant that will have diners laughing between bites.
The project is graham elliot bistro and from what I can see on twitter it is going to be amazing. Located in Chicago it has beer in cans and wine on tap- that is MY kind of place (wino.) A wall of records- let the music play on. The photos on twitter showcase a beautiful restaurant with a sleek, modern design.
But what I have loved the most from the great previews he shares are the 'saint candles.'
Elliot sure has a good sense of humour- and good taste in music. Take a look at some photos of these awesome saints.
Follow Graham Elliot @grahamelliot and find out more about graham elliot bistro by following
@GEBistro on twitter.
The project is graham elliot bistro and from what I can see on twitter it is going to be amazing. Located in Chicago it has beer in cans and wine on tap- that is MY kind of place (wino.) A wall of records- let the music play on. The photos on twitter showcase a beautiful restaurant with a sleek, modern design.
But what I have loved the most from the great previews he shares are the 'saint candles.'
Elliot sure has a good sense of humour- and good taste in music. Take a look at some photos of these awesome saints.
Henry Rollins, David Lee Roth, Eddie Vedder
Brian Urlacher, Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan
Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash
Owen, Steve Perry, Ian MacKaye
Be sure to check him out along with Gordon Ramsay and Joe Bastianich on the MasterChef two-part season premiere Monday, June 4 and Tuesday, June 5 on FOX (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT.)
Follow Graham Elliot @grahamelliot and find out more about graham elliot bistro by following
@GEBistro on twitter.
I love how Facebook showcases the best of everyone.
No seriously, what?
That must have been really hard to spot.
I do love me some smiley face.
Noooo, I'm breaking up with you.
Jesus hates custodians.
I'm not touching this one.
Now I want a sandwich.
Now these are the kind of signs that grad attention.
I would have never figured that one out.
So this is where the party's at...
Oh, sh!t- sorry.
I've been wrong all these years?
I don't think I want to know why they are sorry.
A church, again! Really rippin' it up. The rippin' and the tearin'....
Someone who knows you told me you look like an owl.
This is so cute. It reminds me of my relationship- Rob and I always play chase around the half wall that connects the kitchen and living room. I usually win by waiting for him to change directions to trick me, but I always flip the switch.
My all time FAVE summer song- Wiseman by Slightly Stoopid.
Check out this app for free online. It's really fun and mindless. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that it's colourful. Have fun making art.
Check out the link to 'Silk'
Check out the link to 'Silk'
This is a picture of the teeth inside a child's skull before the child has lost all of the baby teeth. Really cool looking and creepy.
Via allenizabeth on College Humor
This is EPIC! I'm saying epic and I hate using that word. This is giving me ideas so I warn anyone who may try to steal my food in the future. IT'S ON!

I could look back at my life and get a good story out of it. It's a picture of somebody trying to figure things out.
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- Paws For Reaction
- PAWS FOR REACTION is celebrating 12 years! Ottawa-based pet care and nutrition, environmental, and lifestyle blog- always searching for the best in pet care, eco-friendly products and fun local events! Come explore with Hazel, the Saint Bernese, as she lives her best, food-driven, outdoor-loving, asymmetrical, #DogLife
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These photos are from Black and WTF ( ) a great blog of strange and sometimes creepy old black and white im...
These comments are clever and hilarious! Check it out! Kudos YouTube users. Good question... I'm the one who broke up with ...
This is so cute. It reminds me of my relationship- Rob and I always play chase around the half wall that connects the kitchen and living ro...
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